Smart Water Supply –Improvement of existing D system

Solar Roof Top

Completed Projects

Solar Roof Top

  • Name of the Project: Solar Roof Top
  • Project cost ( Cr): 1.58
  • Description:
    “It has been proposed to instal Solar Roof Top Power System in Corporation owned buildings which are having single phase and three phase service connections.Totally 227.50 KW Capacity has been Proposed to implement the installation of Solar Roof Top System. Totally 21 buildings proposed and in 19 locations are in execution. 14 Nos office buildings and 7 Nos Corporation School buildings are provided with Solar Photovoltaic Modules and Inverter pannels .”
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 30 Nov 2021

Construction of SWD- TNSUDP

Open Space making – 9 parks

Completed Projects

Open Space making – 9 parks

  • Name of the Project: Open Space making – 9 parks
  • Project cost ( Cr): 4.06
  • Description:
    The following provision are made in compound wall security room, Toilet arrangements lighting facilities, sitting benches, foot path, play field arrangement Green space Traffic Rules and Regulations Material arrangements and water supply arrangements etc.,
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 31 Dec 2020

Redevelopment of Smart Anganwadi

Renovation of Burial Ground

Completed Projects

Renovation of Burial Ground

  • Name of the Project: Renovation of Burial Ground
  • Project cost ( Cr): 4.52
  • Description:
    It is proposed to construct Shed and Security Room at Burial Ground in Thoothukudi Smart City. It has a overall area 115396.28 Sq.m, Compound wall of overall length 1507.83 m is proposed around the burial ground. Partial Brickwork and grillwork is proposed between the columns 4 m c/c. A road is proposed behind the burial ground connecting the two roads on the left and right of the burial ground. The proposed road is found to have an extent of 2225 Sq.m. 15 No’s of Entrance arch is provided in each and every entrance. 8 No’s of shed each of 75 Sq.m area is proposed. 11 No’s of security room each having an extent of 4 Sq.m is provided in each Gates.
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 28 Feb 2021

Conversion of LED Street Lights

Completed Projects

Conversion of LED Street Lights

  • Name of the Project: Conversion of LED Street Lights
  • Project cost ( Cr): 14.41
  • Description:
    It has proposed 14920 Nos conversionallights in to 14496 Nos LED Lights as per the IGA report, CCMS – 1 No, Single Phase street light controller – 825 Nos, Primeted connector – 14500 Nos, Single phase service EB meter Box – 225 Nos,Three Phase Service 4 X 35 sqmm all cable – 225 mtrs.
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 31 Dec 2021

Uniform City Signage Programme

Completed Projects

Uniform City Signage Programme

  • Name of the Project: Uniform City Signage Programme
  • Project cost ( Cr): 3.02
  • Description:
    “Proposal: 1) 3 Leg Overhead Gantry Sign Board – Double Side 2) 2 Leg Overhead Gantry Sign Board – Single Side 3) Overhead Cantilever Sign Board 4) Pedestral Sign Board 5) Single Arrow Road Name Sign Board 6) Double Arrow Road Name Sign Board 7) Cautionary / Mantory Sign Board 8) Map Sign Board 9) Hazard Marker Sign Board 10) Declinator Sign Board “
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 28 Feb 2021

Smart Bus shelter

Completed Projects

Smart Bus shelter

  • Name of the Project: Smart Bus shelter
  • Project cost ( Cr): 1.54
  • Description:
    It is proposed to improve around the new creation of Bus Shelter with the following facilities.The total area of Corporation APC College, American hospital, Thanthi office, Government Piechnic college, Thiru V K Nagar, St.Marys School, Gymkhana club, Sub-Collector Office 4.58 sqm/Each.The following provision are made in S.S Bus Shelter, arrangements lighting facilities, sitting benches, etc.
  • Physical Progress: 100%
  • Project End Date: 31 Mar 2021

Purchase of Tablet for smart class room